terça-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2015

121 Words beginning with A B C D E


aquaintance - ac·quaint·ance ~~ um conhecido
  [uh-kweyn-tns]  Show IPA
1.a person known to one, but usually not a close friend.
2.the state of being acquainted.
3.personal knowledge as a result of study, experience, etc.: a good acquaintance with French wines.
4.( used with a plural verb ) the persons with whom one is acquainted.
Also, ac·quaint·ance·ship (for defs 2, 3).
1. Acquaintance, associate, companion, friend refer to a person with whom one is in contact. Anacquaintance is someone recognized by sight or someone known, though not intimately: a casualacquaintance.  An associate is a person who is often in one's company, usually because of some work,enterprise, or pursuit in common: a business associate.  A companion is a person who shares one's activities,fate, or condition: a traveling companion; companion in despair.  A friend is a person with whom one is onintimate terms and for whom one feels a warm affection: a trusted friend. 3. familiarity, awareness.


 add to its appeal - somam ao seu atrativo apelo ~~

argue he argued he is arguing again~~


 "average" = média de...~~

an statement - afirmação, declaração

are you joking me around?

approach - abordagem - your approach~~

all i wanted was our share

almost fading away

America's mainstream

american mainstream

a second guessed

aware I'm aware

astonishing astonished~~~~

a little nap ( soneca) take a little nap

avoid to avoid~~


corridor, hall, runner, aisle, racer, passage
aisle, gangway
wing, side, aisle, flank, row, wing of building
nave lateral
aisle passagem entre bancos

Accuracy precisão
Traduções de accuracy
substantivo a
precisãoprecision, accuracy, need, exactitude
a exatidão
accuracy, exactitude, exactness, precision, nicety, propriety
o rigor
rigor, accuracy, severity, stringency, rigidity, harshness
a correção
correction, adjustment, accuracy, rectification, propriety, redress
a fidelidade
fidelity, loyalty, faithfulness, allegiance, accuracy, adherence
o cuidado
care, caution, watch, attention, heed, accuracy
a retidão
righteousness, rectitude, justice, integrity, honesty, accuracy
a rigidez
rigidity, hardness, rigor, stringency, inelasticity, accuracy

asset  my business experience 
will be an asset to your organization.  minha experiência de negócios vai ser um " trunfo " uma estrategia para a sua organização. ~~

and no longer his face~...

already  - and now has already rejected...~~


ally - (aláii) aliado (subs) aliar(verbo = alloy)~~


 ally, friend, confederate

 a bolinha de gude
 marble, ally


 ally, alloy

 unite, join, attach, put together, link, ally

 combine, match, blend, mix, agree, ally

 ally, league

 ally, join, unite, cling, band together

 aliar-se a

asses - assesment - reassesment = avaliar reavaliartoday latest on the dead line



"we need to raise public awareness of the issue"
knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

I am aware   Estou ciente

something that has been achieved successfully.


"the reduction of inflation was a remarkable accomplishment".

achievement, act, deed, exploit, performance, attainment, effort, feat, move, coup

realization, fulfillment, achievement, accomplishment, implementation, completion

execution, enforcement, performance, fulfillment, accomplishment, making

acting, fulfillment, accomplishment, interpretation, acquittal, prosecution

greeting, fulfillment, performance, implementation, enforcement, accomplishment

feat, deed, accomplishment, activity

consummation, accomplishment

success, hit, achievement, accomplishment, triumph, happening

satisfaction, fulfillment, gratification, enjoyment, indulgence, acco


Beneath and below - abaixo -

'Confirm if the text to be published is beneath the salutation."
Beneath the snow there is ice

A small book or magazine containing pictures and information about a product or service.

"The Tourism Authority of Thailand can assist with holiday brochures and information."

sinônimos: booklet, pamphlet, leaflet, flyer, handbill, catalog, handout,prospectus, fact sheet, folder


 brochure, booklet, paperback, tract

 leaflet, brochure, booklet, pamphlet, handout, tract

 pamphlet, brochure, handout

beaver - castor - beaver da mulher - ...~~

boundary - limite fronteira = no boundaries - sem fronteiras limites~~~~

(Sirens) Beckonnig me - acenado para mim me chamando com acenos

Barely - mal apenas,
it was barely legal
we have barely even started
 barely, badly, ill, hardly, wrong, scarcely

 only, merely, alone, but, barely, scarcely

 scarcely, barely, little, near

 only, alone, but, barely

 openly, outright, barely, unreservedly, professedly, over the coun

bottom - at the bottom inferior /e fundo

battered - agredido machucado , judiado

blister - bolha blisterinducing - bolha induzida

by the time I ve been here

brilliant mind

bright intelligencebright or clever - or 
emotional intelligence or
a wisely boundaries

big budget - low budget

big argument - discordia

but i am really looking forward to it

blight-verb  arruinar
 ruin, spoil, destroy, break, mar, blight
 stain, taint, sully, smudge, soil, besmirch
 dry, wipe, wither, drain, shrivel, desiccate
 wither, blight
blighted = arruinado

it's a cinch - very easy It's a cinch ("Something that is very easy to do"). did you figure out how to change the tire

craftmen - artesão - the city is dominated by craftsmen handcraft - artesanato

conning - they are conning us - nos enganando

cross breeding cruzamento de raças chips

on this chart - nesta tabela


command you
I command you
copying with

chairman - presidente da empresa

count me in - tô dentro!


chill pills - give me some of these chill pills
crowd - good crowd
can - can't I can't stand it any longer
complex - COMplex

chills - arrepios 

chilly - frio gelado


Conceber e DESCREVER

door handle
door knob

distributed - will be disTRIbuted - "disTRÌbiuted"
when all the lights drains from the sky - as luzes vão sendo drenados entardecer


 drain, grille, rose, nozzle

 o esgotamento
 exhaustion, depletion, drain, fatigue, impoverishment, rarefaction

 o tubo tube, pipe, duct, conduit, drain, channel

 o sorvedouro drain, whirlpool, vortex, maelstrom, yawn

 a bica spout, tap, waterspout, fountain, gutter, water pipe

 a canalização plumbing, piping, canalization, drain, duct, tubing

 o rego trench, gully, drain, gutter, race

 resto rest, remainder, remnant, residue, leftover, residual

 drain, bleed, tap, ditch, tump

 drain, leak, run off, buttress, ooze, bail

 dry, wipe, wither, drain, shrivel, desiccate


daydream devaneio
into the suds and dayfdream - 

drinking tea or sipping tea - sorvendodown hill

defeated - derrotado defeat did you tell her?
yes I did

do they fight?

denial - I guess I have been in denial I was diagnosed in September of last year with Fibro and I think I have been in denial every since. depressivo pessimista

engine - endgeine motor
combustion endgeine
enhance - en hance - elevar aumentar realçar

ever since - desde então
Ever since I met you I've liked you.

Ever since I had sweet and sour I've loved Chinese meals.

We have never spoken ever since she snubbed me.

My father has not smiled ever since my mother died.
Ever since I failed the job interview, I have tried to improve my English."

Since I failed my job interview because of my poor English, I have been trying to improve it. (Poor English.)
Keep it simple ... Keep it interesting.
I also have a question. What is correct? Can I use both versions? I feel as if something is wrong with the 2 last sentences.

Ever since he started taking the drug, he behaves in an odd manner.

Ever since taking the drug, the man behaves in an odd manner.

After taking the drug, the man behaves in an odd manner.

1) indicates that he has taken it more than once.
2) indicates that he took it once (though this could also be used if he took it more than once).
3) indicates what happens shortly after he takes it.
easy relate to
enhancement enheissment aprimoramento melhoriasOKOKOKOKOK

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