quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2016

184 What is a Nest Egg

Nest Egg

What is a 'Nest Egg'
A substantial sum of money that has been saved or invested for a specific purpose. A nest egg is generally earmarked for longer-term objectives, the most common being retirement, buying a home and education. It can also refer to money kept aside as a reserve to deal with unexpected emergencies such as a medical problem or urgent housing repairs. “Nest egg” has been used to refer to savings since the late 17th century. The term is believed to have been derived from poultry farmers’ tactic of placing eggs – both real and fake – in hens’ nests to induce them to lay more eggs, which meant more income for these farmers.

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The foremost investment objective of a nest egg is generally preserving capital, since it represents funds that have been accumulated over a considerable time. However, the portfolio should also have a growth component to offset the effects of inflation over time. A nest egg should typically be invested in relatively conservative instruments such as certificates of deposit, bonds and dividend-paying blue chips. The exact allocation of these securities within a nest egg should be based on asset allocation principles as well as the investor’s risk tolerance and comfort level.

It would be folly to invest nest egg proceeds in certain volatile investments in hopes of achieving a high rate of return. These investments include commodities, small-cap stocks and currencies, since their inherent volatility makes them less suited for conservative investing.

Read more: Nest Egg Definition | Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nestegg.asp#ixzz4Digsi4Od
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quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2016

183 Comparisons and advocacy

Comparisons and advocacy

I want to create an elearning package
Usability of Moodle for diagnosing a student's weaknessesHas anyone heard of Topyx?

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Imagem de Craig Mollins
I want to create an elearning package
Craig Mollins
terça, 7 Jul 2009, 07:51

Hello all. I'm new to moodle, and am trying to figure out if it is the right software for my project. I want to create an eight week learning program that individuals can take on their own, on their own time. The interaction with other students will be in forums, but everyone will be doing the course on their own on their own time so the forums will be made up of long terms posts.

I want to have lectures in audio and video format, and some kind of interactive text modules. People will be given access to the course materials one week at a time, starting from the date they first log on.

Is this kind of format something that moodle can be used for?
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Tim at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
Re: I want to create an elearning package
Tim Hunt
terça, 7 Jul 2009, 09:08
Grupo Core developersGrupo Documentation writersGrupo Particularly helpful MoodlersGrupo Plugin developers
You can do almost all that in Moodle.

An example of a self-paced course that lasts about 8 weeks, with interaction via log-term forums, is the Moodle developers' course: http://dev.moodle.org/course/view.php?id=2.

That course does not use any multimedia, but Moodle has pretty good facilities for uploading and embedding images, audio and video.

What do you mean by 'interactive text modules'? That could mean wikis, quizzes, lessons, or SCORM packages. Or even a collaborative glossary. Moodle has all those.

The one thing it cannot do out-of-the-box is to only release the materials only one week at a time. Are you sure you really want that? It is certainly good to give students guidance about how long they are expected to spend studying, but particularly when you are studying on your own time, you often have a busy week when you get nothing done, and then have to catch up with two week's work the next week. Actually, that would not be a problem, but the opposite, wanting to get a week ahead before you go on holiday, would not be possible. I am speaking here as someone who has studied Open University courses in my own time.

Anyway, if you really need this, then it is not possible in Moodle 1.9 unless you install the conditional activities patch, and even then, I don't know if it is possible. For Moodle 2.0, conditional activities will be available in core Moodle. I don't know if '1 week after enrolment' is one of the conditions that is available, but if it isn't, then it would be very easy to add, I think.
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Imagem de Craig Mollins
Re: I want to create an elearning package
Craig Mollins
quarta, 8 Jul 2009, 21:46

Thanks very much for this considerate response Tim. The developer's course you linked to showed me exactly what I needed to see, and it looks like Moodle will work great for my project. And your suggestion about opening up the schedule makes complete sense, and probably is what I'll end up doing.

Yes the quiz and lesson modules are what I was looking for. I want people to be able to engage with the materials, answer questions and receive feedback.

It all looks good. Thanks again for your help.

182 Nostradamus’s Mabus Anti-Christ Quatrain Fulfilled

su nombre está en mi nombre

Sadam - ascenção

Nostradamus’s Mabus Anti-Christ Quatrain Fulfilled

The seer Nostradamus saw into the future so long ago during his time. A time filled with troubles much like our own. For centuries people have speculated about his Mabus prophecy. Labeling Mabus as the Anti-Christ in speculation that it was this villian it spoke of. Mostly due to the possibility that Nostradamus mentioned the furor Hitler in a quatrain speaking of Hister. I myself believe Mabus means so many different things such as May Be Us during this time. If you look closely at the name and the name of the beings taking the center stage during this time you will plainly see that Nostradamus is pointing to our time peroid in which we live in now. One can plainly see how the word Mabus dances around Osama, Obama, and of course Bush. The quatrain goes as follows;
Century 2, Quatrain 62
Mabus then will soon die, there will come A horrible undoing of people and animals: At once vengeance one will see vengeance, One hundred hands, thirst, famine, when the comet will run.
Breaking down the quatrain we see that someone has died meaning Osama Bin Laden possibly. I feel very sure of this meaning I am denoting this. Last night after I had the clear vision of the prophecy meaning this I had a dream verifying this as I slept revolving around the name Mabus. A strange dream involving Bill Maher doing a weird show based on Mabus. It was an odd dream and to me verified that I was unto something for sure about having this series of thoughts that I am now relaying here to you now through this technology. Then we go into the next three lines that revolve around retribution and vegeance for what has been done regarding the military killing Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. Already the United States of America is on high alert for possible terror cells to emerge to detonate nuclear or chemical devices. Many in the world considered Osama a hero who hate America. So it would make logical sense that these people are upset about his death and will seek some sort of justice for what has been done and announced through President Obama to the entire world. Mabus is suppose to trigger World War Three via his death if you take the approach of Mabus meaning Anti-Christ. I do not think anyone possibly knows what Mabus means. Even I question my interpretation at times. No absolutes but if you align the names of Obama and Osama and Bush in such a way as Osama Bush you can plainly see the word Mabus intertwined. I believe the prophecy shows the time we are living in now which is a time of creation and possible destruction for all of mankind teethering on the brink of oblivion. Now let us get into the comet.
C/2010 X1 aka Elenin is being spoken about all over the internet now as we speak. This must be the comet that will run. It’s about 300 million miles away and roaring toward us. The sinister alien intruder from deep space called called comet Elenin which crosses Earth’s orbit on its inbound leg and again on its outbound doom filled swing around the sun later this year. Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin discovered the innocuous little comet on Dec. 10, 2010, at International Scientific Optical Network’s robotic observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico. Presently the comet is a faint dark smudge of light in deep sky perspectives. By late August comet Elenin should be visible to the naked eye as a dim “fuzzy star” with a tail. Over a few weeks the visitor will speed across the spring constellation Virgo and toward Leo on its outbound leg. A dizzying collection of doomsday predictions have been linked to comet Elenin. The hysteria was inevitable as anxiety grows over the approach of 2012 that is supposedly a game-changing year for life on Earth. At least according to some interpretations of the ancient Mayan calendar.Though it’s now over twice as far away from Earth than the sun is, comet Elenin has already been blamed for triggering earthquakes and shifting Earth’s rotation axis. The comet has also been accused of melting ice on Mars and stirring up a storm on Saturn. It’s predicted to flip Earth’s magnetic field.
So you tell me does this sound like the Comet that will run? Sounds like it fits the bill to me. Because Osama Bin Laden is dead and Obama is the messenger. Not the Mab in Obama and not the Mab in Osama Bin Laden. Nostradamus playing around with words like a paranormal Merlin like wizard of sorts. Showing us a time of upcoming chaos that has approached and the answer to this doomsday scenario in my book. Is to seek the source of all which you would label God and the divine spirit of the Universe. What the Native Americans might call the Great Spirit or a southern preacher might say, “Get right with God!” Embrace yourselves because I feel in my heart and soul this quatrain is pointing right now to this time in our history that it is May Be Us who will end up destroying ourselves or creating ourselves as a new evolved species. Hopefully full of love and hope and positivity after a time of much darkness and chaos. Because it is said from chaos stars are born and hopefully by the death of Osama it will unite people and make us safer. As we speak the conspiracy theorists are already saying Osama has been dead and this is all a lie. Strange times we live in amongst the jokers still complaining about Obama’s Birth Certificate. No one seems satisfied and everyone seems upset. Reminds me of the ancient times in the bible right before God decides to Godsmack us all to set us back on the right track hopefully after much calamity. Keep humanity in your prayers and petetion the good forces that be to protect us from the evils present in today’s world. The same evils that has been present since the dawn of time and the creation of mankind. We sit on the bring literally of creation and destruction. We are our own Gods & Goddesses connected to the source of all but if we break free of this source then a horrible undoing will occur which of course can see be seen repeated through out the history of mankind. This is the accumulation of it all. Fasten your seatbelts or strait jackets and prepare yourselves because I say Woe to the inhabitants of the Earth, I say Woah dude.
For more information on Mabus and The Church Of Mabus Radio Show which is dedicated to such subjects hosted by Jeffery Pritchett. Check out our forum to discuss this and more at our official website www.churchofmabusradio.com

sábado, 2 de julho de 2016

180 What's the Real Origin of "OK"?

"OK" is the all-purpose American expression that became an all-purpose English expression that became an all-purpose expression in dozens of other languages. It can be an enthusiastic cheer (A parking spot! OK!), an unenthusiastic "meh" (How was the movie? It was…OK.), a way to draw attention to a topic shift (OK. Here's the next thing we need to do), or a number of other really useful things. It's amazing that we ever got along without it at all. But we did. Until 1839.
There may be more stories about the origin of "OK" than there are uses for it: it comes from the Haitian port "Aux Cayes," from Louisiana French au quai, from a Puerto Rican rum labeled "Aux Quais," from German alles korrekt or Ober-Kommando, from Chocktaw okeh, from Scots och aye, from Wolof waw kay, from Greek olla kalla, from Latin omnes korrecta. Other stories attribute it to bakers stamping their initials on biscuits, or shipbuilders marking wood for "outer keel," or Civil War soldiers carrying signs for "zero killed."
The truth about OK, as Allan Metcalf, the author of OK: The Improbable Story of America's Greatest Word, puts it, is that it was "born as a lame joke perpetrated by a newspaper editor in 1839." This is not just Metcalf's opinion or a half remembered story he once heard, as most OK stories are. His book is based in the thorough scholarship of Allen Walker Read, a Columbia professor who for years scoured historical sources for evidence about OK, and published his findings in a series of journal articles in 1963 to 1964.


OK, here's the story. On Saturday, March 23, 1839, the editor of the Boston Morning Postpublished a humorous article about a satirical organization called the "Anti-Bell Ringing Society " in which he wrote:
The "Chairman of the Committee on Charity Lecture Bells," is one of the deputation, and perhaps if he should return to Boston, via Providence, he of the Journal, and his train-band, would have his "contribution box," et ceteras, o.k.—all correct—and cause the corks to fly, like sparks, upward.
It wasn't as strange as it might seem for the author to coin OK as an abbreviation for "all correct." There was a fashion then for playful abbreviations like i.s.b.d (it shall be done), r.t.b.s (remains to be seen), and s.p. (small potatoes). They were the early ancestors of OMG, LOL, and tl;dr. A twist on the trend was to base the abbreviations on alternate spellings or misspellings, so "no go" was k.g. (know go) and "all right" was o.w. (oll write). So it wasn't so surprising for someone come up with o.k. for oll korrect. What is surprising is that it ended up sticking around for so long while the other abbreviations faded away.


OK got lucky by hitting the contentious presidential election jackpot. During the 1840 election the "oll korrect" OK merged with Martin van Buren's nickname, Old Kinderhook, when some van Buren supporters formed the O.K. Club. After the club got into a few tussles with Harrison supporters, OK got mixed up with slandering and sloganeering. It meant out of kash, out of karacter, orful katastrophe, orfully confused, all kwarrelling or any other apt phrase a pundit could come up with. It also got mixed up with the popular pastime of making fun of van Buren's predecessor, Andrew Jackson, for his poor spelling. One paper published a half-serious claim that OK originated with Jackson using it as a mark for "all correct" (ole kurrek) on papers he had inspected.
OK was the "misunderestimated," "refudiated," and "binders full of women" of its day, and it may have ended up with the same transitory fate if not for the fact that at the very same time, the telegraph was coming into use, and OK was there, a handy abbreviation, ready to be of service. By the 1870s it had become the standard way for telegraph operators to acknowledge receiving a transmission, and it was well on its way to becoming the greatest American word.
But, as Metcalf says, its ultimate success may have depended on "the almost universal amnesia about the true origins of OK that took place early in the twentieth century. With the source of OK forgotten, each ethnic group and tribe could claim the honor of having ushered it into being from an expression in their native language." By forgetting where OK came from, we made it belong to us all.
This Big Question came from Emerson Whitney, who inquired about the history of OK via Twitter.

sexta-feira, 1 de julho de 2016

179 ATENTO Mission and core values

Mission and core values
Atento's unique culture reflects our mission, corporate values and guiding principles. These define our behavior as a company, emphasize teamwork and innovation and inspire our people to have total dedication to the client.
Our mission
We make companies successful by guaranteeing the best customer experience for their clients
Our values
Our guiding principles
We work as a team, understanding our clients' needs locally but leveraging our multinational capabilities and scale
We encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation
We are efficient, agile and streamlined to create value for our clients
We put passion into everything we do, motivated by the desire to be better, with the ambition to achieve our goals
We are disciplined financially and operationally
We are proud to build a great place to work

We are committed to our clients' success.
We work with passion, enthusiasm and with the drive to be better each day.
We act with integrity, true to our values, defending what we believe in and taking responsibility for our actions.
We guarantee trust, transparency and respect in our relationships with all our stakeholders (clients, employees, suppliers, society and shareholders).